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Friday, September 27

10:30am PDT

OWASP AI Exchange experts on the future of security for AI
Friday September 27, 2024 10:30am - 11:15am PDT
By participating in this panel, attendees will gain an understanding of the crucial role of OWASP AI Exchange in securing AI technologies and how they can contribute to and benefit from this vital initiative. 
avatar for Dan Sorenson

Dan Sorenson

Dan Sorensen is a seasoned cybersecurity leader with over 22 years of experience as a CISO and cybersecurity engineer in aerospace. A U.S. Air Force and Air National Guard veteran, he specializes in risk management, AI-driven defense strategies, and ethical AI integration. Dan has... Read More →
avatar for Chloé Messdaghi

Chloé Messdaghi

CEO & Founder, SustainCyber
Chloé Messdaghi is a cybersecurity leader dedicated to building strong relationships that drive the development of security standards and policies. She spearheads initiatives to strengthen AI security measures and fosters collaborative efforts to enhance industry-wide practices... Read More →
avatar for Susanna Cox

Susanna Cox

Aerospace & Safety Critical AI Systems Engineer, ARCS Aviation
Susanna Cox has spent her career on the cutting edge of AI security, applying her passions for cybersecurity & aviation to engineering mission-critical AI for aerospace and defense. With patents pending in AI security, Susanna’s primary focus is on research & development of safety-critical... Read More →
avatar for Aruneesh Salhotra

Aruneesh Salhotra

Aruneesh Salhotra is a seasoned technologist and servant leader, renowned for his extensive expertise across cybersecurity, DevSecOps, AI, Business Continuity, Audit, Sales. His impactful presence as an industry thought leader is underscored by his contributions as a speaker and panelist... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 10:30am - 11:15am PDT
Room: Seacliff AB

11:30am PDT

Millions Of Public Certificates Are Reusing Old Private Keys
Friday September 27, 2024 11:30am - 12:15pm PDT
TLS Certificates are re-using private keys by the millions. We'll demonstrate that key re-use in TLS certificates is systemic and undermines one of the foundational protections offered in modern web security

We looked at 7 billion certs logged in Certificate Transparency and found millions of certs re-using private keys. We identified orgs like Verizon that re-used the same key for 10 years, despite revoking it in the first year! We found cases of organizations continuing to re-use the same private key to issue new certs, despite having had that key compromised. Picture a short lived cert that only lasts 90 days, but the same key is re-used on all future certs for a decade 

We also analyzed SSH key re-use for authentication to GitHub. We looked at 58 million GitHub user’s keys and found >100k SSH keys re-used between multiple GitHub account

We’ll show the extent of private key reuse, show re-use of keys from revoked certificates, and open-source a tool to identify certs that reuse private keys. We'll provide examples of common cert generation frameworks that repeatedly use the same key, despite the security risks

Keys are even sometimes used for TLS certs and repurposed as SSH keys on GitHub 

This talk dives deep into a world of systemic private encryption key re-use, the dangers, and current threats it poses

avatar for Dylan Ayrey

Dylan Ayrey

CEO, TruffleHog
Dylan is the original author of the open source version of TruffleHog, which he built after recognizing just how commonly credentials and other secrets were exposed in Git. Coming most recently from the Netflix security team, Dylan has spoken at a number of popular information security... Read More →

Joseph Leon

Security Researcher, Truffle Security
Joe Leon is a security researcher at Truffle Security where he works to identify new sources of leaked secrets and contributes to the open-source security community. Previously, Joe led application security assessments for an offensive security consulting firm. Joe has taught technical... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 11:30am - 12:15pm PDT
Room: Seacliff AB

1:15pm PDT

Slack’s Vulnerability Aggregator: How we built a platform to manage vulnerabilities at scale
Friday September 27, 2024 1:15pm - 2:00pm PDT
Managing vulnerabilities effectively in a diverse tooling environment posed significant challenges for Slack's Security team. Historically, disparate tools generated varied scan results, severity assessments, and reporting formats, complicating triage and remediation processes. This fragmented approach led to inefficiencies, coverage gaps, and increased workload for security engineers and developers.

To address these challenges, we developed a comprehensive vulnerability aggregation platform. This platform centralizes all tooling findings, standardizes processing methodologies, and streamlines reporting across Slack's ecosystem. We hope you can apply the insights from our presentation to simplify vulnerability management tasks within your own organization.

avatar for Atul Gaikwad

Atul Gaikwad

Staff Security Engineer, Salesforce
Atulkumar Gaikwad has 15+ years of experience in Application/Cloud security, DevSecOps, Third party risk management and consulting. He currently works as a Staff Product Security Engineer at Salesforce helping to make devs life easy with security automation. He loves to break things... Read More →
avatar for Nicholas Lin

Nicholas Lin

Software Security Engineer, Salesforce
After graduating from the University of Virginia, Nicholas began his career as a Software Engineer on the Product Security team at Slack. Over the past two years, he has developed systems that empower risk owners to remediate security risks at scale. Nicholas is dedicated to building... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 1:15pm - 2:00pm PDT
Room: Seacliff AB

2:15pm PDT

Escaping Vulnerability Hell: Bridging the Gap Between Developers and Security Teams
Friday September 27, 2024 2:15pm - 3:00pm PDT
Fixing web application security vulnerabilities is critical but often frustrating, leading to what we call "Vulnerability Hell." This talk covers the main challenges of false positives and difficult fixes, their impact on developers and security teams, and practical solutions involving AI, penetration testing, and application-level attacks. Discover how better tools, automated suggestions, integrated workflows, and improved collaboration can help.
avatar for Ahmad Sadeddin

Ahmad Sadeddin

CEO, Corgea
Ahmad is a 3x founder (1x exit) and is currently the CEO at Corgea. He led various products at Coupa for over 6 years after they acquired his last startup (Riskopy). Corgea was born from his frustration at the manual and inefficient processes that companies take around security.
Friday September 27, 2024 2:15pm - 3:00pm PDT
Room: Seacliff AB

3:30pm PDT

Maturing Your Application Security Program with ASVS-Driven Development
Friday September 27, 2024 3:30pm - 4:15pm PDT
Application security requires a systematic and holistic approach. However, organizations typically struggle in creating an effective application security (AppSec) program. They often end up in the rabbit hole of fixing security tool-generated vulnerabilities. We believe that leveraging ASVS as a security requirements framework as well as a guide to unit and integration testing is amongst the highest added value security practices. By turning security requirements into “just requirements” organizations can enable a common language shared by all stakeholders involved in the SDLC.

In this talk, we would like to present the case of ASVS-driven development. Firstly, we have analyzed the completed ASVS to determine how much of it could be transformed into security test cases. Our analysis indicates that 162 ASVS requirements (58%) can be automatically verified using unit, integration and acceptance tests. Secondly, we have designed an empirical study where we have added 98 ASVS requirements to the sprint planning of a relatively large web application. We have implemented unit and integration tests for 90 ASVS requirements in 10 man-days that are now part of the security regression test suites.

Our study demonstrates that leveraging ASVS for deriving security test cases can create a common theme across all stages of the software development lifecycle making security everyone’s responsibility.

avatar for Aram Hovsepyan

Aram Hovsepyan

Founder and CEO, Codific
Aram is the founder and CEO of Codific - a Flemish cybersecurity product firm. With over 15 years of experience, he jas a proven track record in building complex software systems by explicitly focusing on software security. Codific’s flagship product, Videolab, is a secure multimedia... Read More →
Friday September 27, 2024 3:30pm - 4:15pm PDT
Room: Seacliff AB